In our previous articles, we’ve shared that we believe insurance is essential, and we have reviewed the basic coverages every fitness business should have.
Now, I want to show you why we are the best insurance agent for you:
For us to provide you with the best business insurance for your fitness business, we must do three things exceptionally well:
- We must have access to the best insurance carriers specializing in the fitness industry
- We must be educated and knowledgeable about the fitness industry as insurance agents
- We must be able to communicate efficiently and provide proactive services
First, and this is the most critical part of this article. If you stop right now and don’t read any further, read this. My insurance agency went out and partnered with the best of the best insurance carriers that specialize in the fitness industry. Most insurance agents will be lucky to have a carrier that will write insurance for the fitness industry. We specifically sought out the best carriers to provide the best coverage and service from a carrier.
A common myth is that all insurance agents have access to all the same carriers and coverages. This is not true. There are many insurance agents out there that do not have access to the carrier we have access to write through.
Second, my team has spent a lot of time interacting and getting to know what makes our fitness business owners tick. We stay up to date on current trends, happenings, and changes in the fitness industry. We do this and feel it is crucial because the more we understand your industry, the better we can tailor business insurance to fit what is happening.
Third, I have built processes and procedures to make it easy for you to do business with us. In addition, my team is continuously seeking ways to interact with you in a valuable, meaningful way. Insurance agents get paid a commission of your premiums every time you pay. Therefore if you only hear from your agent once a year, are they really providing you with a year’s worth of value?
My company is passionate about the fitness industry because we believe personal health will lead to a better work-life, a better home life, and a better attitude. My business partner and I played sports throughout our lives and respect the value that physical fitness brings to our lives. Does it stink getting up at 6 am to get the gym sometimes? Absolutely, but we know the feeling of getting a great work out in, then attacking the day will be worth it.
At the end of the day, we all want to do business with people we can relate to, people we understand, and people we know understand us. That is what my company does. We work to earn your business every day, just as you do with your clients.
If you want to see what my team can do for you, click here to get started.